Monday, September 18, 2017

Learning about Shapes and Helping Hands

Pattern Blocks & Tan-Gram Shapes
What do you mean we are doing MATH?
Tan-Grams and Pattern Blocks are one of the manipulatives we use to encourage and enhance the children's math development. They help with problem-solving skills and logical thinking, visual-spatial awareness along with symmetry, area, perimeter and basic geometry. And to wrap it all up, it is a fun activity that children love to engage without thinking they are actually learning.  

Morning Journals
Morning journals have become a big hit. The students are becoming more comfortable in what they draw and in writing their names. Some are wanting to write their own words. 

"I want to be a Police Officer when I grow up and protect people."

Shape Art
We have looked at how almost everything around us is made of shapes. Using basic shape stickers students created their own pictures out of shapes. People, trains, roads, and houses were just a few of the pictures created. Fine motor skills were also worked on by peeling all the stickers off the paper themselves.

The pictures are hanging around the room on their new special poster areas. Each friend has their own poster where their different pieces of art or writing will be displayed. We will change them often. Many of the projects displayed on their posters will be put into their portfolios. 


Block Building
Students are moving beyond their safe zone of building flat on the floor and moving towards building up. Students have made more 3-D buildings. 

An animal parade!

Light Table Exploration
Using the crystal connectors to create 3-D projects

"We did it ourselves!"

We love puzzles!

A little quiet reading.

Writing Center Creations


"Look I can balance a marker."

Writing Letters to Houston
This week each member of our class made a picture to send to Pilgrim Lutheran School in Houston, Texas. They drew pictures of themselves and added other pictures and stickers. They also contributed to larger letter telling them all about our class at CCLS.


Preschool Chapel
This is week we learned about our first Fruit of the Spirit, Love, from Pastor Larson.

Sometimes you just need to have some bean bag time, playing Pass the Bean bag.

Go Noodle Time!
For some music and movement time our class engages into Go Noodle dance time. The more we dance and exercise, the faster our Go Noodle character grows. Every 10 songs we dance and exercise to, our character grows one size. After the fifth set of ten songs, our character will grown to full size and we can pick a new character. Throughout the year we will be posting our different characters we accomplish. 


 Making Masterpieces
During class we talked about the meaning of "a masterpiece". A masterpiece can be many things. A masterpiece is a piece of art that the artist can be proud of. Many masterpieces are hung in an art gallery. We will make our own small art gallery to hang our masterpieces.
This week they worked out some energy by using their whole bodies to do some marble painting. Not everyone was able to get to do their marble painting so we will be finishing them next week. 




A Special Visitor 
Mrs. Pittman a (CCLS parent) works for Concordia Publishing House. Our class contacted her about being a partner for our Hurricane Harvey Helping Hands Project. Our class sent her an email with a list of our favorite Bible stories to see if we could purchase some of our stories. When Mrs. Pittman came to make the delivery we were overwhelmed with excitement. She was able to give us enough books to make sets to put into each child's backpack.  Each child in Houston can have a copy of our favorite stories.
Thank you so much for matching our donation. We are so thankful for you and CPH.

The Great Backpack Sort
One afternoon this week the kiddos decided that we need to sort out the backpacks and get them ready to pack up. It was so fun to see their excitement while sorting and counting out the different backpacks. They were so very proud of themselves.



We always take two pictures. One nice pictures with smiles.
One with the silly faces! 

A Visit with from Kirkwood Public Library
Friends who were at CCLS last year know all about Miss Mickie! And we are so excited Miss Mickie is back again for this school year. Miss Mickie comes once a month from the Kirkwood Library bringing new stories and songs. The only hard part about being in the our class is we have to visit with Miss Mickie second after the 2's and 3's visit with her first. But, they were ecstatic with the trade-off for our waiting in that they got to eat snack first, while others waiting. Early snack is one of the perks for waiting for Miss Mickie as a 4 year old.  


Backpack Packing
The class took turns taking one book from each pile to make a set of our favorite Bible stories to out into each of the backpacks. They were all so very patient waiting their turns. 

Next came the sorting of supplies! 
Some students did "inventory" and saw what we still needed to purchase. Some of the friends took this job very seriously. They were running the show themselves.


The last thing we did on this day was to pack up the supplies we had. They love picking out just the right backpacks to fill. We will be sending down all the extra backpacks to share with other classes at Pilgrim. 

Packing up the puzzles!

Such teamwork! 

I am so very proud of each and every one of these children of God! Their hearts are full of helping others. Check back next week to see pictures of our final pack and our new shirts!

Spring? Winter? Spring?

God has given us little hints of spring. According to some in our class, since we had Spring Break, it should be SPRING! Even if it is not ...